Dumb Connecticut Laws – No Marriages of Low-IQ People!

Petr Novák

In Connecticut, one of the older laws prohibits the use of worn-out razor blades. More interestingly, individuals with a low intelligence quotient are not permitted to marry.

Dumb Connecticut Laws – No Marriages of Low-IQ People!

Table of Contents
  1. 22 Funny Connecticut Laws

22 Funny Connecticut Laws

  • In the city of Artwoodville, an ordinance prohibits playing Scrabble while waiting for a politician to speak.
  • Advertising via hot air balloons is banned in Hartford.
  • In Bloomfield, it is against the law to eat in your car.
  • In Devon, it is illegal to walk backwards after dark.
  • Pharmacies in Connecticut must pay $400 each year for a permit that allows them to sell medications containing alcohol.
  • In Guilford, the only color of Christmas lights allowed is white.
  • In Hartford, it is illegal to walk on your hands while crossing the crosswalk.
  • In Hartford, planting trees in the street is prohibited.
  • In Hartford, men are forbidden from kissing women on Sundays.
  • Any dog with a tattoo must be reported to the police.
  • It is forbidden to pirouette while crossing the crosswalk.
  • In Simsbury, political campaigning at the town dump is prohibited.
  • It is illegal to throw a weapon out of a car.
  • It is illegal to use a worn-out razor blade.
  • In New Britain, firefighters are permitted to drive at a maximum speed of 40 km/h, even when responding to a fire.
  • Only individuals who are blind are allowed to use a white cane.
  • People with low IQs are not permitted to get married.
  • Connecticut still maintains a law over 350 years old, stating that a boy as young as 16 can be executed if he curses, assaults, or disobeys his parents.
  • Janitors in the town of Waterbury are prohibited from singing, hooting, or whistling while on the job.
  • If you are cycling at a speed exceeding 60 mph, you may be stopped by the police.
  • The sale of alcohol after 8pm on Sundays is prohibited.
  • Dog training is not allowed.

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