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Hi, Okukwe. I don’t recommend lying under any circumstances – if they happen to find out the truth during the interview, it’s both a criminal offence (yes, lying on the form is a criminal offence:) and would probably result in a permanent ban from entering the US.

Tick the normal yes box and they will eventually ask you what you were prosecuted for. If it’s probation, it probably won’t be anything serious like terrorism, murder, rape, kidnapping or anything like that that would make you a dangerous person to the US. I think there’s more than a 95% chance they’ll let you in.


Hi, I’m going to the US in September and I have also already purchased my ticket, but now I’m worried about the ESTA rejection because I’ve been prosecuted in the past and got a probation which is already over and it was also nothing serious, but if I tick Yes in the second question, is there any chance I’ll be allowed in or is it a sure rejection? Or should I not try ESTA at all and just apply for a regular visa? I guess there’s no point in lying, or do you think they’re able to figure it all out then? Thank you for the reply.

@Szôlösi Gazsi: In an hour, you’ll be up, but if it doesn’t work, you’ll be on the next flight. They’re usually within an hour or two, so don’t worry.

The rebooking fee is a lot more. It depends on the airline and the type of ticket, but you’d have to have an open ticket, those are a lot more expensive than normal tickets.

Take a laptop, everyone has one and not everyone gets into it. They don’t want to clear personal luggage on the way back usually unless they suspect. It would have to be in a box and unpacked.

If you have an ESTA, it probably won’t be too much of a problem for those friends, be sure to write down the main things on paper so you don’t forget anything in the stress at the counter when they ask you questions.

New Articles on wiki USA

USA National Parks showcase grand cliffs, tall redwoods, and a fortress in the heart of the sea. Skyscrapers fill New York and Los Angeles, yet these two cities are as different as cold Alaska and the dry Mojave. In between, there are thousands of attractions that can make your visit a unique experience.

You could travel to America a hundred times and still find something new with each visit.

All you need to do is buy low-cost flights, set up car rentals, and carefully read our USA guide. Because you won’t want to miss a moment of this journey.