Dumb Maryland Laws: You Can’t Take a Lion to the Cinema!

Petr Novák

The reigning champion of outdated, nonsensical laws in the state of Maryland is the city of Baltimore. Among other peculiarities, it prohibits washing sinks or attending the movies with a lion as a companion.

Dumb Maryland Laws: You Can’t Take a Lion to the Cinema!

Table of Contents
  1. 13 Funny Maryland Laws

13 Funny Maryland Laws

  • Baltimore: One may spit on the highway, but not on city streets.
  • Baltimore: Profanity is prohibited within city limits.
  • Baltimore: It is illegal to wear a sleeveless shirt in public spaces. The fine can amount to up to ten dollars.
  • Baltimore: Blocking streets with boxes is unlawful.
  • Baltimore: Harassment of oysters is prohibited.
  • Baltimore: It is illegal to wash or scrub sinks, regardless of how dirty they might be.
  • Baltimore: Lions are not allowed as companions in the cinema.
  • Baltimore: Professional cricket matches must not commence before 2pm on Sundays.
  • Once you enter the ocean, consuming food is not permitted.
  • Halethorpe: Kisses lasting longer than one second are prohibited.
  • Men are not permitted to ask female bartenders to join them for a drink.
  • Oral sex is prohibited across the entire state of Maryland.
  • Thistle cultivation is forbidden.

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