Dumb Montana Laws – No Mail Access for Married Women

Petr Novák

In Montana, the law prohibits transporting sheep in the cab of cars unless they are supervised. Unmarried women are prohibited from fishing, and married women are allowed to fish only under the supervision of their husbands.

Dumb Montana Laws – No Mail Access for Married Women

Table of Contents
  1. Nine Funny Montana Laws

Nine Funny Montana Laws

  • If a wife opens her husband’s mail, she is breaking the law.
  • It is illegal to transport a sheep in the cab of a truck without supervision.
  • In Excelsior Springs, it is illegal to throw or kick balls beyond the city limits.
  • Showing movies that depict serious crimes is illegal in Montana.
  • The only sexual position permitted by law is missionary.
  • On Sundays, married women are prohibited from fishing alone, and unmarried women are not allowed to fish at all.
  • In Helena, it is illegal to throw any object across the street.
  • In Salisbury, it is prohibited to throw champagne bottles on the ground.
  • It is illegal to drive a car while someone is attacking it with an axe.

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