Dumb Indiana Laws – The State-Defined Value of Pi is 4

Petr Novák

Contrary to popular belief, the value of pi defined by law in Indiana is not 3.14, but rather 4.00. Another peculiar regulation is the stipulation regarding hotel blankets, which must measure at least 251×206 cm.

Dumb Indiana Laws – The State-Defined Value of Pi is 4

Table of Contents
  1. 22 Funny Indiana Laws

22 Funny Indiana Laws

  • All men aged between 18 and 50 must contribute to public road works for at least six days per year.
  • Anyone over the age of 14 who blasphemes God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit will incur a fine of one to three dollars per word, with a daily maximum of ten dollars.
  • South Bend: In 1924, a monkey was fined $25 for smoking in a prohibited area.
  • Swimming is not permitted from October through March.
  • Beech Grove: Consuming watermelon in the city park is prohibited.
  • Gary: After consuming garlic, you are barred from movie theaters, theatres, or other public gatherings for a minimum of four hours.
  • Drinking from your own bottle in a bar can result in arrest.
  • Elkhart: Hairdressers are not allowed to threaten children with cutting off their ears.
  • Evansville: Motorists on Main Street are not permitted to turn on their car lights.
  • Fort Wayne: Broadcasting the song “It’s In The Book” on the radio is illegal.
  • Hotel blankets must precisely measure 251 cm in length and 206 cm in width.
  • The sale of helium with the intent of inducing laughter is prohibited.
  • South Bend: Distributing cigarettes to monkeys is forbidden.
  • Leading a horse down the street is prohibited.
  • Automobile sales on Sundays are forbidden.
  • Liquor stores are not permitted to sell milk.
  • Men are not allowed to stand in bars.
  • Fishing using bare hands is forbidden.
  • Oral sex is prohibited.
  • Terre Haute: Spitting on the sidewalk is prohibited.
  • The value of π is 4, not 3.1415.
  • As a bar patron, you are not allowed to bring drinks to the table. That task must be performed by the bartender.

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