Dumb New Jersey Laws – Ice Cream Is Outlawed After 6 PM

Petr Novák

An ancient law in the New Jersey prohibits visitors to gas stations from refilling their own vehicles. A certified attendant must always be present. Another unique stipulation applies in Cresskill, where all cats must be outfitted with at least three bells.

Dumb New Jersey Laws – Ice Cream Is Outlawed After 6 PM

Table of Contents
  1. 20 Weird New Jersey Laws

20 Weird New Jersey Laws

  • Caldwell: If you amble down Main Street in this town, you are prohibited from wearing shorts or dancing.
  • Automobile sales are outlawed on Mondays.
  • Cranford: Town residents are forbidden from parking their boats on the lawn.
  • Cresskill: All cats must bear three bells on them so that birds can escape in time.
  • Elizabeth: Women strolling down Broad Street on Sunday must adorn a skirt.
  • Berkley Heights: It is illegal to walk down the street accompanied by cattle on Sundays.
  • Newark: The consumption of ice cream after 6:00 p.m. is forbidden. This ban can be overruled with a doctor’s note.
  • New Jersey: It is against the law to own a homing pigeon.
  • New Jersey: Soup sipping is illegal.
  • New Jersey: Children are forbidden from sipping alcohol, even from their parents.
  • During the fishing season, men are prohibited from knitting.
  • Scowling at a police officer is unlawful.
  • Manville: Serving cigarettes or alcohol to animals at the zoo is illegal.
  • Ocean City: Soup slurping is prohibited.
  • Ocean City: Playing pinball on Sundays is forbidden.
  • Ocean City: The sale of raw hamburgers is outlawed.
  • Highway parking under bridges is illegal.
  • Raritan: Blasphemy is forbidden.
  • Trenton: The consumption of tomato paste on Sundays is illegal.
  • All pumps must be operated by an attendant and fully serviced. Self-service at these pumps is prohibited.

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