Dumb Rhode Island Laws – A Ban on the Sale of Toothpaste?

Petr Novák

In Rhode Island, it is illegal by law to own more than 11 non-operational vehicles. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to throw cans of tomato paste at trolleys.

Dumb Rhode Island Laws – A Ban on the Sale of Toothpaste?

Table of Contents
  1. 14 Weird Laws in Rhode Island

14 Weird Laws in Rhode Island

  • Marriages where both partners have extremely low IQs are considered invalid.
  • Working, playing games, participating in sports, organizing children’s events, or conducting any other activity on Sundays will result in a fine of five dollars for the first offense and ten dollars for subsequent violations.
  • Providence: It’s illegal to sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on Sunday.
  • In Newport, it is unlawful to smoke from a pipe after sunset.
  • Impersonating a tagger, auctioneer, or fence repairman is illegal. The fine ranges from $20.00 to $100.
  • It is illegal to drive downhill without using gears.
  • Throwing tomato paste at trolleys is forbidden.
  • Erecting a windmill closer than 25 feet to a street or road is against the law.
  • Owning more than 11 inoperable vehicles is against the law.
  • Professional athletes, excluding hockey and polo players, must obtain a permit to play on Sundays.
  • Providence: It’s prohibited to wear see-through clothing.
  • Riding a horse on a highway or road for the purpose of racing or testing the horse’s speed is illegal. Violators can face a maximum fine of $20.00 and up to ten days in jail.
  • In Rhode Island, extramarital sex is still illegal – if this law is violated, both participants must pay a $10.00 fine.
  • West Warwick: Watering flowers, lawns, or gardens daily is prohibited. Fines range from $25 to $100.

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