Dumb Arkansas Laws – Mispronouncing the Name Is a No-No

Petr Novák

An archaic law prevents the promotion of teachers who have had their hair cut. It is also illegal to mispronounce the state’s name Arkansas.

Dumb Arkansas Laws – Mispronouncing the Name Is a No-No

Table of Contents
  1. 15 Dumb Arkansas Laws

15 Dumb Arkansas Laws

  • By local ordinance, teachers who have cut their hair cannot receive promotions.
  • It is, oddly enough, legal for men to strike their wives, but only once a month.
  • Voters are given a maximum of five minutes to complete a ballot.
  • Keeping alligators in bathtubs is against the law.
  • A recent bill proposed that the state should finance growth hormones for undersized residents.
  • The name of the state of Arkansas must be pronounced “Arkansaw.”
  • Unmarried couples holding hands cannot pass through the doors of the University of Arkansas.
  • In the town of Fayetteville, it is unlawful to kill any “living creature.”
  • In the capital of Arkansas, Little Rock, same-sex flirting is punishable by 30 days in jail.
  • Buying or selling blue light bulbs in Arkansas is illegal.
  • Mispronouncing the name of the state is also illegal.
  • In the city of Little Rock, dogs are permitted to bark until 6 p.m.
  • According to a City of Little Rock ordinance, leading a cow down Main Street after 1:00 p.m. on Sundays is prohibited.
  • In the City of Little Rock, sounding a horn near a place that serves sandwiches or cold drinks after 9:00 p.m. is against the law.
  • The Arkansas legislature passed a law stating that the Arkansas River cannot rise higher than the main bridge in the city of Little Rock.

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