Unaccompanied Child Travel – Sample Consent, Flight Tickets

Petr Novák

Children under 18 years old can travel to the USA without the accompaniment of both parents, but certain conditions must be met. The child can travel with only one parent, a sibling, a teacher, or another responsible adult, or they may travel as an unaccompanied minor. In this case, trained flight and ground staff will ensure that the child safely reaches the destination.

Unaccompanied Child Travel – Sample Consent, Flight Tickets | © Lars Plougman / Flickr.com, © Unsplash.com

  1. Table of Contents
    1. Both Parents Must Agree to the Child’s Travel to the USA
    2. Sample Travel Consent for a Child Traveling to the USA
    3. Flight to the USA for an Unaccompanied Minor

    Both Parents Must Agree to the Child’s Travel to the USA

    Both parents must agree to the travel of a child under 18 years old to the USA. If the child is accompanied by only one parent, written consent in English from the other parent is required. If neither parent is accompanying the child, consent from both parents is necessary.

    The rules in this regard are fairly strict, aiming to prevent international child abductions and protect the rights of both parents. If the child (or one of the parents) fails to provide the written consent to an immigration officer and the officer becomes suspicious, the child may be detained until the situation is resolved.

    In the vast majority of cases, the travel of a child under 18 years old to the USA occurs without complications, but it is better to prevent potential issues by bringing the travel consent with you.

  2. Sample Travel Consent for a Child Traveling to the USA

    🖋️ What the Travel Consent Must Contain

    There is no set format for the consent to travel for a child — it is not a preprinted form. It is sufficient to type it on a computer and include the verified signatures of the parents who are not traveling with the child. The following details should be included:

    1. Identification details of the child – name, gender, date and place of birth, social security number, and passport number passport
    2. Contact information for both parents
    3. Travel information – flight numbers flights, route, destination

    📄 Sample Travel Consent for a Child Traveling to the USA

    Consent for International Travel

    I, [parent’s name] of [parent’s full address] declare that I am the legal parent/guardian of [child’s name], born [child’s date of birth] at [child’s place of birth], [British] passport number [child’s passport number], issued on [passport issue date] at [passport issue place].

    My child, [child’s name], has my consent to travel to [child’s destination], from [start date of travel] to [end date of travel], staying at [address of the child’s accommodation in the USA].

    My child will be traveling with their [relationship to accompanying person], [accompanying person’s name] of [accompanying person’s permanent address]. [accompanying person’s name] is carrying a [British] passport numbered [accompanying person’s passport number], issued on [accompanying person’s passport issue date] at [accompanying person’s passport issue place].

    Any questions regarding this document may be addressed to me at:

    [parent’s name]
    [parent’s full address]
    [parent’s phone number]
    [parent’s email]

    Signed on this [day]th day of [month year].

    [verified parent’s signature]
    [parent’s name]

    👮 Who Receives the Travel Consent for a Child Traveling to the USA

    The document is not specifically handed over or shown to anyone. However, airport staff may ask for it before departure or an immigration officer may request it during the immigration interview upon arrival in the USA. The goal of the measure is not to create additional bureaucracy but to protect the child from abduction.

  3. Flight to the USA for an Unaccompanied Minor

    Children from 6 to 17 years old can travel to the USA without any accompaniment, but it is necessary to book the “Unaccompanied Minor (UMNR)” service with the flight ticket, sometimes also referred to as “Unaccompanied Children”.

    🧒 How the Unaccompanied Minor Service Works

    The “Unaccompanied Minor” service is used, for example, when a child is traveling to join the rest of the family or the other parent. At the departure airport, the parent hands the child over to the ground staff, who will be responsible for the child. The child receives a lanyard with a clear “Unaccompanied Minor” tag, and possibly also an identification bracelet.

    The lanyard contains all of the child’s documents, name, flight number, contact information for the parents, and a list of languages the child can speak. The ground staff escorts the child to the airplane, where the responsibility is transferred to the flight crew. Due to the possibility of a last-minute flight cancellation, the parent usually must remain at the airport until the flight departs.

    Upon arrival, the child waits on the plane until all other passengers have disembarked. The flight crew then hands the child over to the ground staff, who will be waiting at the airplane. In the case of a layover, the ground staff guides the child through the entire process. The rule is always that the child is never left unsupervised.

    The ground staff escorts the child through immigration, helps them collect their luggage, or hands them over to the flight crew for the next flight. Upon reaching the destination, the child is handed over to the designated person, who must identify themselves with proof of identity.

    💵 Cost of the Unaccompanied Minor Service

    The fee for the Unaccompanied Minor service and its conditions vary depending on the airline, the child’s age, or the destination. For a flight between Europe and the USA, the cost typically ranges from $125 to $170, for example, with Delta, where the fee covers up to 4 children. The “Unaccompanied Minor” service must be booked through the airline’s contact center.

    Tips for preparing your child for travel to the USA can be found on the government website Transportation.gov.

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